Sophie & Larry Cripe

Supporter Profile

Sophie and Larry Cripe are dedicated theater enthusiasts who began their journey with the Chance Theater 15 years ago. Larry has been a member of the Chance Theater Board for 12 years and currently serves as the Board Secretary. Sophie served as the Past President of the Board of South Coast Repertory (SCR) and has been on that board for 15 years.

This marks the 13th time Sophie and Larry have taken on the role of producers at the Chance Theater. Their past productions include Parade, The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity, Ragtime, and In The Heights, among others. Sophie’s academic background includes a BA and MA in Speech and Theater from the University of Illinois, and she has contributed as a dramaturg for 13 Chance Productions. Larry holds a BA in Business Administration from Cal State Fullerton and has experience as a co-owner of a martial arts studio and an interactive murder mystery dinner theater.

In their retirement, Sophie and Larry remain active in their passions. When not traveling or attending theater, they channel their energy and enthusiasm into archaeological interests. They are both involved with the Archaeological Institute of America, where Larry serves on the National Board and Sophie is President of the local Society.