Chance Theater Blog

Award-Winning Scenic Designer Christopher Scott Murillo discusses his journey in the world of theater as a person of color, as well as his relationship with Chance Theater and how scenic design helps to tell a story.

Currently, Christopher is an associate artist with Playwrights’ Arena serving as their resident scenic designer. He is also a member of the Television Academy and United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829. He holds a MFA from the UCSD Department of Theatre and Dance, and a BA from the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. He is an Assistant Professor of Theater and Dance at Loyola Marymount University teaching courses in scenic design, stagecraft, and the collaborative process. And he is a 2016 recipient of the Princess Grace Foundation Theater Fellowship – Pierre Cardin Award.

Working with the Chance since 2008, Chris praised Chance Theater Artistic Director Oanh Nguyen. When asked who his role model in his respective field, he listed Oanh as his role model. “He gives chances to be a part of the theatre to people from all walks of life and backgrounds.”

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