Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Book by Hugh Wheeler
Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Based on an adaptation by Christopher Bond
Directed by James Michael McHale
Music Direction by Lex Leigh
Choreographed by Mo Goodfellow

Awards and Recognition

  • 3.5 Stars (out of 4) OC Register
  • 10 out of 10 Orange Curtain Review

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On the Cripe Stage… 

In a barber shop above Mrs. Lovett’s struggling pie shop, Sweeney Todd plots revenge on the lecherous judge who wronged him and his family. In the seedy underbelly of 19th-century London, desperate times lead to diabolical schemes — and strange alliances. With razor-sharp wit and extraordinary songs like “Pretty Women” and “Not While I’m Around,” this Tony Award-winning masterpiece was proclaimed “more fun than a graveyard on the night of the annual skeleton’s ball” by The New York Daily News.

NOTE: This show contains mature content and strong language. For information on the intense and potentially sensitive content, click here. 

“In the first sung stanza of “The Ballad of Sweeney Todd” we encounter the line “he trod a path that few have trod.” That’s certainly Sondheim and, with this extremely rewarding small theater experience of “Sweeney Todd,” a path Chance takes, too.”Orange County Register

“There is not a dull moment in the show, thanks to the excellent pacing and creative movement.”Orange Curtain Review

“Lex Leigh’s musical direction and Mo Goodfellow’s choreography elevate the performance to new heights, complementing the cast’s unwavering commitment and passion. The production’s relevance is further underscored by McHale’s insightful direction, drawing parallels between the story’s themes of justice and contemporary societal issues.”FanBoy Nation

“The acting, music, and the other creative elements make the time go fast. The attention to detail is extraordinary and the cast delivers a memorable performance.”Glamgical

“A bloody good time is to be had at the Chance Theater. “Sweeney Todd – The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” slices and dices with phenomenal precision. A delicious bite of unforgettable characters and flavorful songs.”SoCal Thrills

Executive Producers
Rachelle Menaker & Eddie Schuller

Associate Producers Sophie & Larry Cripe

Executive Season Producers
Bette & Wylie Aitken

Associate Season Producer The Family of Mary Kay Fyda-Mar


Community Partners





Show artwork designed by KC Wilkerson, kcwdigital.com.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street delves into intense and complex themes, revealing the depths of human desire, betrayal, and vengeance. The show's powerful narrative and emotional intensity tackle challenging topics.
To prevent anyone from experiencing profound anxiety or discomfort by being confronted with triggering subject matter, we’ve listed them below:
  • Adult language
  • Discussion and abstract depiction of sexual assault
  • Drug use
  • Suicide
  • Gun Use
  • Cannibalism
  • Murder
  • Physical violence
  • Flashing lights
  • Theatrical haze and fog

3 Special Events:

  • Community Night

  • LGBTQIA+ Night

  • Wine Night



Join us before and after the performance for a happy hour and get to know our community partners. Friday, July 26, 7-11:00 p.m. ‍Community Partner:        
  • 7:00 p.m. - Mingling in the Chance lobby over light bites and Happy Hour drinks. Be sure to meet our Community Partner!
  • 8:00 p.m. - Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street begins! We can't wait for you to see this performance!
  • 10:45 p.m. - Participate in a post-show conversation with the Cast and our Community Partner.
  • 11:15 p.m. - Don't leave just yet! We have a second round of bites and drinks.
  • 12:00 a.m. - Last call! The event comes to an end.


Back by popular demand, Wine Night features a signature wine for the first 50 patrons in the door. Members and their guests receive priority access. Thursday, August 1, 6:45-7:30pm. Sponsored by Chance Friends, David & Judy Joss    
  • 6:30 p.m. - Check-in Starts
  • 6:45 p.m. - Wine Night Starts - Enjoy free exclusive wines.
  • 7:30 p.m. - Show starts, feel free to bring in your cup!


Join us for our LGBTQIA+ nights, where theater lovers who share an identity can connect over refreshments and conversation before enjoying a performance. Friday, August 2, 7-11:00 p.m.    
  • 7:00 p.m. - Mingling in the Chance lobby over light bites and Happy Hour drinks.
  • 8:00 p.m. - Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street begins! We can't wait for you to see this performance!
  • 10:45 p.m. - Participate in a post-show conversation with the Cast and each other!
  • 11:15 p.m. - Don't leave just yet! We have a second round of bites and drinks.
  • 12:00 a.m. - Last call! The event comes to an end.
Are you part of a Community Organization? Contact us at info@chancetheater.com for information on special discounts and fundraising opportunities.




Articles & Reviews

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Audience Buzz

    1. Great cast with a very fun and creative use of space. This was great venue to support local theatre. Very quaint but still professional.

      — Anonymous
    2. Stellar cast, wonderful production and friendly/knowledgeable staff. Great set design & very talented cast.

      — Anonymous
    3. The experience was above board!!!

      — Anonymous
    4. Everything about the show was fantastic… costumes (great details, like the veins on Anthony and Johanna’s costumes), make-up, set, blocking, acting! This was definitely the best version of Sweeny Todd we have seen! We are very impressed with the level of talent at your shows (Secret Garden and Sweeny Todd). We will definitely be back for Emma!

      — Anonymous
    5. We have seen multiple performances of Sweeney Todd and this ranks up there with the best performances we’ve ever seen. Jocelyn A. Brown as Mrs. Lovett was perfection. She is the best Mrs. Lovett we’ve ever seen. The rest of the cast was brilliant as well. Loved this performance. From the set design, to the cast, to the costuming and lighting, it was incredibly well done. Congratulations to all involved on bringing the world of Sweeney Todd to life.

      — Chris Husby
    6. The cast, design elements, direction, sound, etc. all exceeded my expectations.

      — Paul Galloway
    7. Affordable, live theater is a precious and I do anything I can to encourage folks to take advantage of all the great theater we have in OC, LA and SD. Enjoyed the performance a lot. I was not as big of the “spooky” / Tim Burton-esque approach with the makeup and customes, but other than that.. really great!

      — A. Taylor
    8. It was a clearly understood and fantastic rendering of a very dark and challenging show. The singing was top notch and the acting was so specific and clear! Probably the best Mrs Lovett I’ve seen in many versions of this show. The way the director dealt with the killings was creative and effective and not gratuitous – (like I thought it was in the film musical sadly).

      — John DeLuise
    9. Congratulations on a marvelous artistic achievement with Sweeney Todd!
      I was the last audience member to speak Saturday night commenting about this ‘chamber’ production of a huge Broadway show being so good. In fact, I’m not sure you all know just how good this production is! Perfectly cast physically and vocally, performed with consistent believability of the multiple rolls performed by each actor. Always challenging, masterfully done!

      Sondheim is known for exposed voicings, harmonies, intervals, vocal range, and Sweeney Todd might be the ultimate example of that. The man sitting on my right asked about covering the close harmonies. Lex replied all 9 parts were covered. I heard that, and what’s more, it was in tune and balanced! BLEW MY MIND! And applause for the men who Sondheim repeatedly challenged with low notes nearly beyond their range up to the stratosphere. Well done.

      I saw the show three weeks ago and had to come back to see the extended weekend it deserved. We are so lucky to have such great talent in Southern California to create this ‘intimate theatre’ masterpiece for us to experience. I used to travel alot for business and this is the kind of production I would seek out. As I have done for many other intimate theatre companies around the country, I would have gone out of my way to see this show based on the reviews. Lucky me, it was 30 minutes from my house.

      CHANCE never disappoints!

      — Gregg Isbell
    10. Wonderful theatre and lovely people at the bar. The seats are excellent as we were in the third row. But it looks like there are no bad seats. The show was amazing. All actors gave 150% and the way they used the stage with only nine actors was impressive.

      — Jayne Armstrong
    11. The production was top-notch!!!

      — David M. Hall
    12. It was great, I enjoyed the singing and the costumes.

      — Anonymous
    13. Play was amazing.

      — Tracy Portillo
    14. A solid show and Mrs. Lovett killed it… pardon the pun. Johanna was also especially good.

      — Anonymous
    15. Overall Performance was outstanding – all cast voices were very good, acting was awesome – cast shows energy and total commitment to performances!

      — Melissa Knittle
    16. The talent was outstanding

      — Lisa Thompson
    17. It’s a great space and you always have excellent performances. I thought Jocelyn and Dylan were awesome in their roles. Laura also really made you feel something in her beggar woman role.

      — Aimee Gomez
    18. The performance was spot on I will remember this forever. Excellent production. I would see it again

      — Felicia Langwiser
    19. Top to bottom great production. Great cast, sound, lighting. Love how dark and darker the plot became while also whimsy and deliciously wickedly hilarious

      — Anonymous
    20. The performers were outstanding and the staging was great. I like the small theatre venue, the stage worked for this production. My only suggestion is perhaps the Q&A after the play was a bit late since the play ended well after 10 pm.

      — Anonymous
    21. Unique perspective on a play that’s been done so many times. All the actors had amazing voices and played their characters well

      — Anonymous
    22. The actors were on point. So much creativity in everything. Plus we love Sweeney Todd! Loved how Judge Turpin recovered from the chair breaking. “I think I’ll kneel for this shave!”

      — Anonymous
    23. It was great. The whole experience and super fun.

      — Robyn Hubard
    24. It blew me away. Such a great production at an incredible value. Very fun and interactive as well. What an amazing performance by all! And the production was amazing, from the production and set design to the sound and lighting design and the props, this little theater put on a production that rivals some of the biggest theaters out there. I enjoyed that the cast was really up in our faces at times. Made it very interactive and energizing! Bravo, Chance Theater!!

      — Susann Cellier
    25. I loved how it was an immersive show. The cast was excellent.

      — Anonymous
    26. I always enjoy the quality of performances at Chance despite the small size and how comfortable the theater is.

      — Anonymous
    27. The Cast and the stage decorations were excellent.

      — Virginia Anders-Ellmore
    28. Very professional, great stage work and design for the limited space, strong voices, good pacing. Keep up the good work!

      — Ned Smith
    29. I’ve seen this show twice before –at UCI and SCR– and this was the best. It made me understand the psychological trauma ST went through and how he became such a monster. And it made me fear for the innocents –like the sailor and the young lad who helped in the pie shop–who got caught in the madness. It was all very affecting.

      — Kathy Esfahani
    30. We liked it so much we are coming back on the 10th and bringing our child. I was very impressed by the whole cast, immensely talented and clearly loved doing the show.

      — Lonn paul
    31. Loved the live music and all the singing was exceptional. The Q&A session after the show was a delightful surprise. When I go to the Palms Spring Film Festival, movies with a Q&A after show are referred to as “talking pictures” with a similar format to Chance Theater’s. The major difference, the “host” would repeat the person’s question to the audience prior to any of the panel answering the question, ensuring all could hear the question. During the Q&A at the Chance performance, there were a couple questions where the audience member asking the question spoke softly, I was unable to hear the question. In the future, please consider having the host repeat the question. 🙂

    32. I have seen many productions of Sweeney Todd & thought this one was very, very, very creative & well cast — such great talent in this production! I would have given it a 5 star rating if I would have understood many of the songs sung better. I feel the cast knows their songs – and maybe thinks they don’t need to be clear when they sing to the audience — but for me, that ruins the whole production if I can’t understand what the cast is singing about – especially this play where there are so many “Sondheim clues” — I just would have enjoyed it more if the singing were more clear by the cast. Mrs. Lovett was absolutely sensational in every way (but some songs were not sung very clear to me- & of all the cast members, her songs needed to be the most clear, especially because of the dialect she used)

      — Anonymous
    33. I honestly wasn’t very excited about this show, since I prefer quieter introspective shows like Tiny Beautiful Things and Blackbird, or rockers like Hedwig and American Idiot, but Sweeney Todd was really, really good. It absolutely exceeded my expectations and my friend who came with me loved it too. It was stellar. The performers were SO GOOD and the sets and lighting were fantastic. What a great show. One of the things I love about the Chance is how relaxed it is. I prefer the Chance over Segerstrom and Pantages because there are no lines, no parking expense, and no hassle. The nice man at the checkin area even let me put a bag of groceries behind the counter because they were going to melt in my car. I absolutely love the Chance staff and its artists.

      — Linda Ashe
    34. Everything about this show was outstanding. We loved your emphasis on the “horror” aspects of the story, the interactions with the audience, the costumes, sets, and the outstanding talent of all the actors. I think that it is always amazing when a show has not only memorable leads but also strong, memorable ensemble members. Every actor on the Sweeny stage was amazing. Everyone in our group agreed that your “blood” technique (sponges and buckets) was creative and effective. Well done! This was the second show we have seen at the Chance. We actually found out about the Chance Theater when searching online for a performance of The Secret Garden. We were able to see that show in your theater and loved it. Now, despite the fact that we aren’t local, we will keep coming back for more. We will definitely be back to see Emma!

      — Anonymous
    35. The whole show was AMAZING! Set design, lighting, acting — everything was phenomenal. Loved this performance so much!

      — Christy Gamble
    36. It was excellent! I enjoyed it so much I went a second time. I like the small theater, where you are up close to the actors. (Although I was glad I wasn’t in the front row, but that’s just me.)

      — Anonymous
    37. We’ve been coming to The Chance since its earliest days, always delighted. And we’ve seen Sweeney Todd elsewhere and loved it. But this production by The Chance is absolutely mind-boggling, top-of-the-heap, fabulous. The set was intricate and arresting, the cast was completely convincing, and the choreography superb.

      — Bob Niccum
    38. Great sets, great music quality and cast was superb! Really thought the show was A-class and we are theater folks.

      — Missy Krasner
    39. The traditional chair with the release where the actor slides off would have been a thrilling addition to the buckets of blood and lighting and sound. I think the audience expects the chair and wish that could have been added. Sometimes diction could be improved with Sweeney and at times hard to understand. Incredibly talented cast with beautiful vocals and staging. Loved the nuanced choreography.

      — Anonymous
    40. A mixture of the level of talent and the intimacy of the theater made it a spectacular evening.

      — Teresa Buelna
    41. The staff was extremely welcoming and the performance was BRILLIANT. On behalf of the Muzeo, I appreciated the opportunity to engage with your audience and share information about the Muzeo and our collaboration with the The Chance. ‘Sweeney Todd’ takes place during the same Victorian era as our current ‘Eternal Mourning’ exhibit so being able to share the similarities of the times was very special and a way to drive interest to the our exhibit.

      — Carol Latham
    42. It was an amazing production, and the Chance, the actors, the music, the production staff outdid themselves!!! So happy we came to see Sweeney Todd! This was a fabulous production! Music, singing, acting, costumes, scenic design was incredibly wonderful and powerful!!! A big WOW! It was intense and memorable!!!

      — Anonymous
    43. We loved it and the cast was so talented. Loved everything. It couldn’t have been any better.

      — Anonymous
    44. Every play that we have seen at the Chance has been better and better than before. Nicely done Chance! Many of the scenes and actors occurred within a few feet of the audience. It made you feel that you were part of the action.

      — Michael McLane
    45. The music is glorious & well sung. Loved the up close to the audience bits!

      — Anonymous
    46. It was just an overall fabulous experience being overwhelmed by music and action.

      — Anonymous
    47. Set design was spectacular, actors were amazing. Overall just an awesome experience.

      — Anonymous
    48. Loved the performance. Actors were fabulous. Great performance. Loved it! We will be back!

      — Anonymous
    49. Saw movie version first, not too impressed, but curious how it would be on stage. Wow! When singers can act, especially Mrs. Lovett–perfect timing whether comedic or gravitas. The whole crew blew me away with their talent(:

      — Anonymous
    50. The performance was excellent and I’ve seen Sweeney both on Broadway and in LA. The actors were passionately animated and seamlessly were able to play more than one character. The anger and other emotions were palpable and the complex key changes and and the fusion of lyrics that a Sondheim production always does the best were well displayed. Thank you for choosing this masterpiece.

      — Dr. Rob Greenfield
    51. Very professional and extremely talented cast.

      — Brian Duarte
    52. I am always blown away by the productions at the Chance, but Sweeney Todd has got to be one of my new best memories of this amazing theatre! Quality is exceptional, thank you for always providing that to your audience.

      — Chérie Hurst
    53. I love the small theater setting – it reminds me of one of my favorite theaters ACT of Ridgefield CT which is also a small venue and a great variety of shows. Mrs Lovett was the standout character for me – definitely brought a lightness to a dark story. Really enjoyed the entire cast and creative ways of using a small theater space. Ticketing process was super easy.

      — Jean Herlt
    54. Laura Hathaway was fantastic and sings with a hauntingly powerful Operatic voice. The cast was solid and it’s an evocative and interesting telling of a dark and grisly tale.

      — Anonymous
    55. The performance exceeded all expectations. I was blown away by the singing, acting and set. I loved the choreography as well.

      — Shawna J Fay
    56. Fantastic performances, great singing, wonderfully disturbing and haunting set and lighting special effects.

      — Chris Merritt
    57. It was one of the better shows. The performance by actor playing S. Todd was exceptional.

      — Yesuk
    58. Voices and set were excellent. Very creative presentation. It was interesting that the star actors were also the ensemble characters.

      — Michele Pribble
    59. So well done and with such energy – beautiful voices!

      — Anonymous
    60. Professional and outstanding performance by cast. Amazing!!!! Excellent theatre and staff.

      — Christine Rosenow
    61. Great performance with actors better than the movie! Already recommended to a friend. Great adaptation! Great talent!

      — Anonymous
    62. It is an excellent production of a fantastic show! I thought that Mrs. Lovett was particularly outstanding!

      — Anonymous
    63. I love the intimacy of the smaller theaters. The performers always seem to have a great time and the staff is very friendly. In fact, I brought a new person to the last show who had never been before. She loved it. I am never disappointed with a show that I have seen at the Chance. You continue to deliver a cozy, enjoyable and professional experience.

      — Kathy Reddel
    64. Choreography was excellent. EVERY voice was strong! We look forward to our next visit to Chance.

      — Anonymous
    65. I personally find all Chance Theater productions the highest caliber. Sweeney Todd was exceptional in performance and energy from beginning to end. The vocalists were all amazing. I always love what Chance does with set design. I came from 1970’s high school musicals where we had backdrops and platforms and furniture and … Chance sets are simplistic and versatile yet very professional. The Sweeney Todd set set the mood the second you walk into the theater.

      — Marie Perez
    66. A very well done production with a talented cast, great choreography and creative staging! Also the actress who played Mrs. Lovett was absolutely INCREDIBLE! A standout among the already standout cast! WOW!

      — Geannie Buzby
    67. Loved it, thought everyone was super talented and wonderful and clearly enjoyed themselves in what they were doing. Makes it that much more fun to watch! It’s not an easy show at all, and they all did amazing.

      — Jordan Rudolph
    68. I have seen Sweeney Todd over a dozen times on various stages. The staging for this production was exceptional. Great set design. Choreography was so well done and creative. The directing and blocking was spot on. Loved how the scenes seamlessly changed. Great vocals ( hard to sing).. Good casting too.

      — Neil Caplin
    69. Even though I do not love Sondheim at all, I loved your production. I was super impressed, will bring friends back to see the show again.
      Saw the show on July 20th 8pm. Great performances, singing and acting was great.

      Only “note” to add would be that I felt the instrumental music was too loud and muddled the vocal performance.

      Looking forward to seeing the show again.


      — Barry Barnhill
    70. (With British accent) – a Bloody Good Show!!
      So well cast; incredible voices.

      — Joan Herrick
    71. Amazing performance! I loved sitting in the front row where the actors interacted with the audience members.

      — Jessica Anne Rosenow

Venue Bette Aitken theater arts Center

Bette Aitken theater arts Center
5522 E. La Palma Ave.
Anaheim, CA  92807
More Information Get Directions
Venue Amenities
  • Full-Service Bar
  • Free Parking
  • Conveniently Located

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At a Glance

Approximate Running Time:
2 hours, 45 minutes with intermission
Special Notes: